The local paper promoted the 2014 GMCMI Fall Convention held in Chippewa Falls, WIWork on the coaches even continues at the conventionsThe Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company, Chjippewa Falls, WIThe Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company, Chjippewa Falls, WI — former horse barn for their hitch2014 GMCMI fall convention held in Chippewa Falls, WI2014 GMCMI fall convention held in Chippewa Falls, WI.The 2014 GMCMI Convention beer bottle (baby) drinking contestantsThe 2014 GMCMI Convention beer bottle (baby) drinking contestantsThe GMCMI Oktoberfest King or Queen — you decide!The 2014 Oktoberfest king and queenThe Oktoberfest attendees all dress up and ready to partyThe GMC Pineblock Derby draws a big crowd2014 GMCMI Fall Convention Pineblock DerbyHappy campers beer tasting at The Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company, Chjippewa Falls, WI during the 2014 GMCMI conventionHappy campers beer tasting at The Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company, Chjippewa Falls, WI during the 2014 GMCMI convention2014 Fall GMCMIConventio in Chippewa Falls, WI2014 GMCMI fall convention held in Chippewa Falls, WI2014 GMCMI fall convention held in Chippewa Falls, WI2014 GMCMI Fall Convention held in Chippewa Falls, WIThe sheriff was in town at the 2014 GMCMI Fall Convention