June 2021 Goshen, Indiana

The June 2021 rally at the Elkhart County Fairgrounds in Goshen, Indiana featured a tech session lead by Dave Lenzi and a dinner at a nearby Amish home.  Several club members attended the Thursday evening car show at the Essenhaus restaurant and/or toured the RV/Motorhome Museum in Elkhart.

Photos provided by Joe Gillen and Peter Hays.


People around the campground:

Catching up
Catching up
Still catching up
Peter Donaghue
Sharon Giannosa and Watson
Alesia Gillen with Luna and Oscar
Rene and Rich Foerster


Dave Lenzi tech session:

The on-lookers start to gather
Dave Lenzi has a captive audience
Dave has everyone’s attention
Dave Lenzi demonstrates how to service a front hub and knuckle assembly
Dave flexing his muscles
Dave’s copper exhaust gaskets


RV/Motorhome Hall of Fame Museum:

GMC Motorhome in the RV/Motorhome Hall of Fame Museum
RV toys at the museum


Amish Dinner:

Beware of the Amish horse and buggy
Pass with care
Amish country
Amish country


Mother and child
A piece of artwork.
Waiting for a delicious dinner
A hungry crowd


GMCs at the Campground:

